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Advanced Reflexology (1/2 weekends)

In Advanced Reflexology, Parts I & II Lisa Hensell, Reflexology Association of America’s 2018 National Education Award recipient, will share a unique and effective approach to reflexology.

You will learn how each system of the body corresponds to the reflex maps on the feet and the most efficient ways to access them to promote your clients’ health. You will leave with a superior understanding of reflexology and its amazing potential for encouraging optimal health.

Part I begins with concepts and approaches to accessing each different system in the body. The remainder of Part I and the entirety of Part II includes attention and focus on each individual system of the body, as well as plenty of time practicing and receiving this detailed work during class. Part II builds on the preliminary information learned in Part I.

Credits from this class apply toward state CE requirements for LMTs.

Sat & Sun 9 am—5 pm (28 total credits)

PREREQUISITES: any 8+ hour introduction to reflexology class

March 30

Oncology Massage & Acupressure Therapy

June 27

Incorporating the Breasts and Chest (16 CE Hours)