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Intro to Chi Nei Tsang / Ampuku (21 CE NCBTMB)


Caryn Boyd Diel


Meets March 7-9, 9am-5pm. Chi Nei Tsang is a wholistic approach to massage therapy with roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn basic hands-on techniques to restore health and vitality to the internal organs,a nd integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts and techniques into your practice.

This course will cover the history and fundamental principles of Chi Nei Tsang, beginning anatomy & physiology of the internal organs, Taoist meditations and breathing exercises, qigong to increase the flow of chi through your body, and several treatment protocol. You will have a firm foundation in this ancient healing tradition. Techniques are easily incorporated into your existing massage sessions. Benefits all ages, including children.

Benefits of Chi Nei Tsang:

- Improved energy and sleep
- Improved physical and emotional digestion
- Regulation of elimination
- Relief from abdominal pain
- Improved metabolism for vibrant health
- Self Empowerment over your sense of well being
- Reduction in Pelvic Pain

You will learn:

- To identify the location and function of the internal organs
- Several treatment protocols, including a full body detoxifying routine
- Manual and Energetic techniques to improve digestion and alleviate abdominal pain
- Opening the diaphragm for better breathing
- Introduction to the five elements theory
- Qigong and meditation to boost your energy level and harmonize organs

Please bring a massage table, sheets, bolster. No oil is used in this class. Beginners Welcome!

Tuition | $550
Location | The Chrysallis, Fairhaven

Website to learn more/

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