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Introduction to Reflexology


Lisa Hensell, LMT, NBCR


Are you interested in adding to your massage skills with the feet? Would you like a change of pace for your body or mind? Would you like to charm your clients with some next-level relaxation and whole-body integration? We present to you the beautiful gem of reflexology. It will fit well with your massage techniques and will give you another perspective and a new access point to your client's whole health. Your clients will appreciate it immensely and respond to it immediately!

This in-person class will enable you to learn about the theory and practice and will give you the potent learning experience of FEELING the work and its effects as it's done on you throughout the weekend. It will offer you the chance to be guided and coached by an instructor as you learn. You will get to explore reflexology in a dynamic, kinesthetic, instant-feedback learning experience. The features of this in-person class simply can't be touched with online learning.

In class you will learn a dreamy and effective one-hour sequence that you can start practicing right away. You will leave with a skill you can use for the rest of your life - on others and on yourself.

Bring a partner to class and you'll not only learn how to work on each other but will have someone to practice and trade with after the class.

DISCOUNT OFFER FOR FIRST-TIME STUDENTS: when you and another first-time student friend register together and pay in full in advance of the class, we will give each of you a discount of $25 off the class! Discounts must be requested prior to the first day of class.


In Introduction to Reflexology you will learn the basic history of the art and science of reflexology, theories of how it works, its benefits, indications and contraindications for its use. You will learn a sequence for a one-hour reflexology session. About 80% of the class is devoted to hands-on practice. Class will be taught by Reflexology Association of America’s 2018 National Education Award recipient, Lisa Hensell. Credits from this class may be used toward state LMT CE requirements.

Sat & Sun 9 am—5 pm (14 credits)


Class space is limited ~ contact us asap to register!

Tuition | $340 if paid in full by Feb 20 ($380 thereafter)

Location | Everett (at West by Northwest Massage School)

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